21 August 2020

Islanders are being asked to complete a survey to help officials who are drawing up the next Government Plan understand the public’s priorities in light of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The short survey aims to learn what is important to Islanders, how the Government should be responding to their concerns and how these concerns should be addressed in the Government Plan for the next four years.
The survey is anonymous and the responses will be shared with policy officials who are preparing the Government Plan 2021-2024 for Ministers. The responses, along with other data, will help to determine how Islanders’ concerns and priorities may have changed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Within the survey, Islanders will be asked to reflect on whether their views of the Government’s five strategic priorities – Children; Health and wellbeing; Economy; Environment; Inclusivity and Modernising Government - have changed.
The Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, said: "The Government Plan forms a vital part of our strategic framework for the Island. The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly impacted upon people’s lives and that’s why we want to hear from Islanders to understand if their experience of the health emergency has altered their views on the Government’s five strategic priorities."
The survey, which is now open, closes at midnight on 31 August. A summary of the responses will be published on gov.je. Islanders can also write in with their views to: Government Plan Survey, Government of Jersey, 19-21 Broad Street, St Helier, JE2 3RR.