24 January 2020

Islanders can now learn more about Jersey’s historic greenhouse gas emissions, following the publication of full data on Jersey’s emissions since 1990. The data has been released by the Government of Jersey and is available to the public.
Previously, the Government has produced infographics, videos and summaries of its data on the Island’s greenhouse gas emissions but, for the first time, the historical raw data also is being made available to the public.
The Director of Strategy and Innovation, Steve Skelton, said: “We first provided this data to support a Digital Jersey event, and we’re now making the full dataset open to anyone who wants use it.
"Open data supports our digital sector, and we’re looking forward to seeing what ideas and insights Jersey students, community groups, software designers, and everyone else can draw from this information.”
The data shows that between 1990 and 2012, Jersey reduced its carbon emissions by 28%. Its publication follows the release of the Carbon Neutral Strategy – published at the end of 2019 – which gives options for how Jersey could reduce or offset its greenhouse gas emissions to become carbon neutral by 2030.
The Minister for the Environment, Deputy John Young, said: “A central principle of the Carbon Neutral Strategy is that we will involve the public in decision-making. Providing them with information is a first step in engaging the public.”