06 October 2020

Collaboration between Health and Community Services departments aims to give Islanders greater access to routes of care, with single assessments and care plans, offering positive outcomes for patients.
Health and Community Services have today announced plans to integrate Adult Social Care and Mental Health Services.
Integration will:
- Improve outcomes for patients - both services will work collaboratively to achieve improved services and outcomes
- Promote efficient services – it allows innovative ways of working together, inspiring colleagues to drive positive change to the way we deliver care
- Reflect the vision of the Jersey Care Model – it will enable us to introduce new models of care
- Combine expertise and strategic priorities – it will ensure people are at the centre of care provision
- Enable easier access to services – it will create direct pathways for people to access the right service and receive help at the right time.
Jointly leading the combined group will be Associate Managing Director of Adult Social Care, Isabel Watson and Associate Medical Director and Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Miguel Garcia Alcaraz.
Isabel Watson said: “Integration will reduce the need to navigate between services, be more practical and provide a seamless service for people, preventing the need to go from one department to another, having a single assessment and care plan for each individual.
“Adult Social Care and Mental Health services have worked collaboratively to keep people safe through the COVID-19 pandemic. We have developed new systems and direct pathways with the creation of our safeguarding cell and, together with other related care agencies, we have worked closely in developing effective practices to share information and respond quickly to people in crisis.”
Dr Miguel Garcia Alcaraz added: “It is timely to introduce integration while a momentum of collaborative working continues. We have a great opportunity to find innovative ways of working and to strengthen our collaborative working arrangements.
“Both Adult Social Care and Mental Health practitioners face increased demand for their services and we recognise the need to build on existing community services and a shared model of care. Adult Social Care and Mental Health practitioners support people in crisis and we can share our expertise using a combined approach.”
The integrated group will work closely with voluntary and third sector partners to ensure people have adequate access to support and care.
“Integration will enhance an introduction of a single pathway for people accessing our services, which will enable us to reduce fragmentation and improve communication,” said Dr Miguel Garcia Alcaraz. “We believe an integrated model will improve outcomes so that people receive joined-up care and easier access to services. Joint working will improve existing services and together we can tackle the challenge of increased demand for Mental Health and Adult Social Care support.
Isabel Watson added: “We will focus on earlier intervention, building resilience and reducing dependency. Our aim for earlier prevention and the promotion of well-being for people in the community will reduce demand for more intensive services. We have a unique opportunity to achieve this and we believe we will be stronger as an integrated Adult Social Care and Mental Health Service.”