13 February 2020

Haute Vallée School and Mont à l'Abbé Secondary School - temporary closures due to storm damage
Haute Vallée School and Mont à l'Abbé Secondary School are closed for the remainder of today, Thursday 13 February, due to the high winds that we have experienced over the last few days, causing disturbance to the roofing fabric at Haute Vallée.
Initially, to provide protection from flying debris, students and staff at Haute Vallée were moved away from the part of the building with the roof damage and accommodated in the school sport hall and school theatre. Students and staff at Mont a l’Abbé stayed indoors due to the risk of flying debris.
However, the process of sending students home from both schools has now commenced and all students and staff will be away from both sites as quickly as a safe departure permits.
The school telephone lines are currently very busy and we would ask please that you bear with us during this unexpected situation. If you need to make contact Haute Vallé, please call the School Office on 01534 736524. If you need to contact Mont a l’Abbé, please call the School Office on 01534 875801
Further updates to this situation will be posted as and when we have them, so parents are advised to go to the relevant schools’ Facebook page, the Government of Jersey pages as well as checking their email and social media.
Many thanks for your understanding and cooperation.