06 November 2020

The Minister for Health and Social Services has released the following statement:
I am delighted that the Jersey Care Model was overwhelmingly approved by the States Assembly on Tuesday (39 votes to 7).
This is an exciting moment for Jersey and represents a significant opportunity to ensure health, care and community services are patient-centred, sustainable and continue to meet the needs of our ageing and growing population.
The Jersey Care Model aligns closely with the Government of Jersey’s Common Strategic Policy – in particular, to improve Islanders’ wellbeing and mental and physical health, while preparing for more Islanders living longer.
It will lead to enhanced care in the community by strengthening public health, prevention and community services to reduce the dependency on secondary care and it will utilise the latest technology to allow people to manage their own health wherever possible.
Indeed, without the Jersey Care Model, analysis suggests that the current healthcare system would be overwhelmed as a result of the ageing population demographics and disease prevalence on the Island.
I realise that some States members felt the proposition required more detail, particularly around the workforce numbers required, how this affects requirements for the new hospital, and the services that would be needed to provide more health and social care in the community and in people’s homes.
States Members and members of the public can be assured this level of detail is being progressed. This is a multi-year programme, which will be developed and delivered working closely with primary care practitioners and voluntary and community organisations.
We will be establishing the programme over the next few months. This will include devising the workforce strategy, digital strategy, and how we communicate and engage with Islanders. Once the programme is set up formally – by the end of this year – we will be engaging with Islanders on further details and how the plans are progressing.
I would like to thank the members of the Health and Social Security Scrutiny Panel whose report and recommendations added extra rigour to the processes needed to ensure the success of the model.
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank other States Members and the organisations and members of the public who have supported the work to develop the Jersey Care Model, as we now move into its detailed design and implementation.
What is the Jersey Care Model?
it is a new model for healthcare, focusing on person-centred care prevention and community services
it is a framework to co-design and co-produce services with those involved, including patient and carers. It is not a final design
it will move away from care designed around the service provider, to services designed around the individual
It will ensure care and support are person-centred: personalised, coordinated and empowering
It will improve health outcomes and patient experience by ensuring that care from different providers is not delivered in silos
it will develop partnerships of purpose with the community sector and improve signposting and coordination.
it will lead in the use of digital technology to empower people to manage their health and care to stay independent for longer