03 July 2020

​The Jersey General Hospital will open to visitors again from Monday, 6 July with strict COVID-19 safety measures in place to safeguard staff, patients and visitors.
Visiting times will be limited on all wards between 2-4pm and 7-8pm daily and only one pre-arranged visitor per patient can be present at any one time.
Visitors will receive pre-visit screening to:
- assess travel history and symptom checking
- confirm any previous known exposure to COVID-19
- arrange which ward / department they will be visiting
Visitors will need to:
- enter the hospital via the Gwyneth Huelin entrance
- sign in on entry to the ward or department
- maintain correct hand-hygiene techniques
- wear Protective Personal Equipment (PPE) on all wards which will be provided
Chief Nurse, Rose Naylor, said: “We are pleased to be able to welcome visitors back to the General Hospital and we have put in place these important measures to keep people safe. It’s so important for patient well-being and recovery to see their friends and relatives and we ask that visitors comply with the guidelines we’ve set out for their continued protection.”
Patients will be asked to give the names of relatives and friends who would wish to visit them, with each patient naming a maximum of two visitors only. Only those named visitors will be allowed access and because of the limitations at this time, only adults will be allowed to visit.
Visitors who have travelled to Jersey from another jurisdiction and would like to visit a patient must wait until their day 0 swab result is back and is returned negative. However, in exceptional circumstances visiting may be considered and will be discussed on an individual case by case basis. A visitor log will be maintained and may be shared with the Contact Tracing Team if there is a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19.
Visitors to Maternity, Paediatrics and Mental Health departments will need to check visiting times with the department managers via the Switchboard on (44) 01534 442000 as these may vary.