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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Islanders invited to join hymn-a-long this Easter

09 April 2020

Islanders are being invited to join in an Island wide ‘hymn-a-long’ on Easter Sunday at 10.30am to help celebrate Easter and reduce isolation for those who are social distancing in line with Stay Home rules. 

Islanders are invited to stand in their driveways or gardens, or out on their balcony, where it is safe to do so, and join in a rendition of ‘All Things Bright and Beautiful’ from 10.30am.
The lyrics are available online and will also be printed in Saturday’s edition of the JEP. A recording of the hymn, sung by Georgi Mottram, will be played live on BBC Radio Jersey and Channel 103 at 10.30am on Sunday, and will available on Government of Jersey media channels. 

Georgi Mottram, who is singing on the recording, said: ‘Music is such a brilliant way of bringing people together, boosting mood and moral. I’m so proud to be leading this Sunday’s Hymn-A-Long. As a Jersey girl I’ve so often seen our strong and kind Jersey community pulling together and it’s always inspired me.

“Whilst the current circumstances mean we can’t celebrate Easter Sunday together in person, please come and join us in song. It doesn’t matter if you haven’t sung since school: I promise it will make your day brighter!”

Assistant Chief Minister, ConnĂ©table Richard Buchanan, said: “For many people, Easter is a time for family and community: for coming together to share a meal with our loved ones, and coming together in church. 

“Given the measures introduced to slow the spread of COVID-19, many people won’t be able to take part in traditional Easter celebrations. I’d welcome people of all faiths (and of none) to join the hymn-a-long to help people celebrate Easter in their homes.” 
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