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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Intensive fostering events

03 March 2020


Islanders interested in becoming intensive foster carers to children and young people with complex needs are being encouraged to attend one of three information events that start tomorrow.

The Government last month launched a campaign to recruit and train intensive foster carers to children and young people who require specialist care.

Prospective intensive foster carers will undergo assessment and will undertake comprehensive training for this full-time role, the salary for which is ÂŁ40,000 a year.

The Children’s Minister, Senator Sam Mézec, said: “Intensive foster carers will provide family-based placements in Jersey as a direct alternative to placing children and young people in residential homes or in specialist facilities off-Island. The aim is to keep Jersey children in the Island, if this is in their best interest.

“I would encourage Islanders from all cultural backgrounds and ethnicities to consider a career as an intensive foster carer, so that children and young people can be matched with carers who they can identify with.”

Intensive foster carers will receive 28 days’ holiday and will also be asked to support other intensive foster carers by providing respite and short-break care. They will also have regular contact with and support from a dedicated supervising social worker and access to specialist support groups. Maintenance allowances, travel expenses and any necessary equipment will be provided.

Anyone interested in applying to become an intensive foster carer is encouraged to attend one of the following information events:

  • Wednesday 4 March 2020 at St Peter’s Parish Hall from 6pm to 8pm
  • Saturday 7 March 2020 at St Martin’s Public Hall from 10am to 12pm
  • Saturday 14 March at St Paul’s Gate, St Helier, from 10am to 12pm.

Prospective intensive foster carers should register their interest online by Tuesday 31 March 2020. An initial home visit will then be undertaken in April when details about the assessment process and training programme will be shared.

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