03 September 2020

​The 2020 report on the Jersey Opinions and Lifestyle Survey has been released today by Statistics Jersey.
The focus of the 2020 round of the survey is the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on households in Jersey. Survey topics for 2020 included views on:
Employment and finances
- Economic activity
- Industry of employment
- Work from home
- Impact of coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Household finances
Health and wellbeing
- General health
- Longstanding conditions
- Delayed medical treatment
- Personal wellbeing
- Overall self-assessment of life
- Physical activity
- Smoking
- E-cigarettes
- Drinking
Coronavirus (COVID-19)
- Worries
- Personal impact
- Impact on children
- Wellbeing
- Perceptions of the future
The survey was run independently by Statistics Jersey, with individual government departments requesting specific topic areas to be included. The results allow everyone in the Island to have a better understanding of social issues, and help in government decision-making.
Jersey and Opinions and Lifestyle report 2020