19 February 2020

Jersey Finance has become the latest organisation to sign up to the Government of Jersey’s Putting Children First pledge.
The organisation, which represents more than 160 financial services in Jersey, already puts children first through several initiatives including its Life in Finance work placement scheme, supporting Skills Jersey schemes such as Trident, and being a strategic partner of the Grace Crocker Foundation.
The Government of Jersey launched the eight-point pledge to Put Children First in 2018, when ministers, States Members and public service leaders committed to improving the care and upholding the rights of every child in the Island. In November last year, the pledge was rolled-out Island-wide to encourage everyone in Jersey to put children first. Since then, more than 1,000 people and organisations have pledged their support on the pledge’s dedicated webpage.
Joe Moynihan, Chief Executive Officer of Jersey Finance, said: “We are proud to support the Government of Jersey’s pledge to Put Children First. We are looking forward in particular to playing a positive role in improving educational outcomes for young Islanders and helping them to achieve their full potential.”
Children’s and Housing Minister Senator Sam Mézec added: “I would like to thank Jersey Finance for signing up to the campaign. It’s wonderful to see the support that the pledge has already received, and I would encourage even more Islanders, businesses and organisations to sign up as we all have a responsibility to put children first and to create a child-friendly island.”​