05 November 2020

Jersey's labour market report is published every six months and covers key aspects of the job market for both the private and public sector.
In June 2020:
- the total number of jobs was 59,880, the lowest figure since December 2017
- there were 51,550 jobs in the private sector, the lowest figure since December 2016
- there were 8,340 jobs in the public sector, the highest figure since June 2014
- there were 2,590 fewer jobs than in June 2019, representing an annual decrease of 4.1%, the largest annual decrease recorded since at least 1998
- the private sector saw an annual decrease of 3,110 jobs (5.7%), its largest recorded decrease
- the public sector saw an annual increase of 530 jobs (6.8%), its largest recorded change
- the annual decrease in private sector jobs comprised a decrease of 1,820 full time positions, a decrease of 750 part time positions, and a decrease of 1,000 zero-hours positions, while the number of exempt positions increased by 460
- 5,740 jobs in the economy were filled on zero-hours contracts, representing 10% of the total
- there were 7,740 undertakings employing staff in the private sector, 30 more than a year earlier; over half (4,420) were single-person undertakings
At a sectoral level:
- nine sectors saw a decrease in jobs on an annual basis; the largest decrease was in hotels, restaurants and bars, the decrease of 1,670 jobs in this sector being the largest change recorded in any sector to date
- annual decreases of at least 50 jobs were also observed in wholesale and retail (down 340), miscellaneous business activities (down 330), financial and legal activities (down 250), private sector education, health and other services (down 180), agriculture and fishing (down 160), manufacturing (down 90), and transport and storage (down 70)
- total jobs in two sectors were essentially unchanged: information and communication, and utilities and waste; no sectors saw job increases
- the annual increase of 530 jobs in the public sector was driven by increases of 480 in the number of Government of Jersey (GOJ) core employees
Over the last five years (from June 2015 to June 2020) there has been an increase of 670 jobs in the private sector, an increase of 1%. The sectors seeing the largest changes in job numbers were:
- hotels, restaurants and bars (down by 1,490 jobs, representing a decrease of 24%)
- private sector education, health and other services (up 1,200; 18%)
- construction and quarrying (up 680; 13%)
- wholesale and retail (down 540; 7%)
- miscellaneous business activities (up 450; 8%)
- financial and legal activities (up 440; 3%)
- agriculture and fishing (down 420; 27%)
- Over the same five-year period, the number of jobs in the public sector increased by 150 (up by 2%).