28 May 2020

Jersey's labour market report is published every six months and covers key aspects of the job market for both the private and public sector.
In December 2019
- the total number of jobs was 61,500, the highest December figure recorded to date
- there were 53,450 jobs in the private sector, the highest December figure recorded to date
- there were 8,060 jobs in the public sector, the highest figure recorded for this sector since June 2015
- there were 650 more jobs than in December 2018, representing an annual increase of 1.1%
- the private sector recorded an annual increase of 380 jobs (0.7%)
- the number of jobs in the public sector increased by 280 (3.6%)
- the increase in jobs in the both the private and public sectors was predominantly due to an increase in the number of full time positions, up by 330 and 320 respectively
- 6,490 jobs in the economy were filled on zero-hours contracts, representing 11% of the total
- there were 7,800 undertakings employing staff in the private sector, 170 more than a year earlier; over half (4,420) were single-person undertakings
At a sectoral level
- six sectors saw an increase in jobs on an annual basis; notable increases were observed in private sector education, health and other services (up 260), transport and storage (up 150), and miscellaneous business activities (up 90)
- five sectors saw a decrease in jobs on an annual basis; there were notable decreases in wholesale and retail (down 90) and agriculture and fishing (down 60)
- the number of jobs in finance and legal activities was at its highest level recorded to date, after an annual increase of 40; trust administration, legal activities and accounting and compliance saw the largest increases (up 90, 80 and 80, respectively); in contrast, banking and holding companies saw the largest annual decreases (down 140 and 100, respectively)
- the annual increase of 280 jobs in the public sector was driven by increases of 160 in the number of Government of Jersey (GOJ) core employees and 110 in GOJ posts filled on zero-hours contracts
Over the last five years (from December 2014 to December 2019) there has been an increase of 5,230 jobs in the private sector, an increase of 11%. The sectors seeing the largest increases in job numbers were:
- private sector education, health and other services (up by 1,750; representing an increase of 27%)
- financial and legal activities (up 1,010; 8%)
- construction and quarrying (up 940; 19%)
- miscellaneous business activities (up 800; 15%)
- Over the same five-year period, the number of jobs in the public sector decreased by 260 (down by 3%).