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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Government support for bus service

27 May 2020

A LibertyBus in front of Gorey Castle
The Government of Jersey has approved funding of almost ÂŁ400,000 to support the continued public transport services of LibertyBus. 

The Treasury and Resources Minister, Deputy Susie Pinel, has signed a Ministerial Decision to approve funding of up to ÂŁ399,300 so that the Island’s bus service can continue to operate this essential service throughout these challenging times.   

Treasury and Resources Minister Deputy Susie Pinel said: “The Government will provide the financial support required to enable the bus service to continue at a crucial time when their income has significantly reduced.” 

The Government’s contract with LibertyBus means that income from fares is a risk that is placed upon the company, however, since late March 2020 revenue has reduced to negligible levels meaning that the bus service is currently no longer financially viable. 

Infrastructure Minister Deputy Kevin Lewis said: “Jersey’s public transport network is an essential service to many who don’t own a car, particularly to key workers such as those in the health service, supermarket employees or Islanders who rely upon it for shopping for supplies and attending medical appointments. 

“It is essential that this service is preserved throughout the period in which COVID-19-related Government emergency regulations apply, and beyond as we emerge from lockdown.”
Discussions have been held with LibertyBus who have undertaken to continue to provide the service, but at zero profit.

Kevin Hart, Director for LibertyBus said: “We have always worked in close partnership with the Government of Jersey and continue to do so at this difficult time. We are now in a strong position to get the Island moving again as we work through the exit strategy and build services back up to a more normal level as soon as the demand is there.”
The situation is to be reviewed by the end of June.
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