06 March 2020

​The Migration Policy Development Board have issued their final report to the Chief Minister, containing policy recommendations for responsive migration controls in Jersey.
The Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, said:
“The Board’s final report has provided a good basis for the Council of Minister’s considerations on the matter of population control. It is an emotive subject, and one that Islanders feel passionate about resolving. This report offers recommendations on how the Government can proceed to make the decisions required to deliver responsive and economically sustainable controls.
“I thank the Board members and those who engaged with the Board’s research, for their time and commitment to this important subject. The Government is determined to address the difficulties that arise with controlling who comes to live, work and access public services in Jersey.
“The report was discussed by the Council of Ministers at our meetings on 24 February and 4 March 2020, and further discussions will develop our policy principles ahead of the publication a policy paper in April. I look forward to taking these principles to the States Assembly and solidifying a system that works in the best interests for our Island.
“The Government will continue with its work to withdraw unused permissions from businesses to ensure that those issued are utilized in an effective and efficient manner.”
The Board was established to develop migration policy proposals which suggest changes to the Control of Housing and Work Law. The proposals are not binding and have been developed to advise the Chief Minister following research undertaken by the Board.
Migration Policy Development Board Final Report