31 July 2020
Islanders are strongly advised to wear face masks when visiting indoor public places, but this will not currently be made mandatory.
The Science and Technical Advisory Cell (STAC) met this week to advise the Health and Social Services Minister on whether the wearing of masks should be made mandatory for indoor public spaces after the UK changed their public health guidance.
The Health and Social Services Minister, Deputy Richard Renouf said: “Due to the low prevalence levels of COVID-19 on the Island, Islanders continue to be strongly encouraged to wear masks in enclosed public spaces, but we will not be making this a mandatory requirement at the present time.
“We are in a strong position and have kept the rate of infection very low which has been reflected in our gradual and monitored easing through the Safe Exit Framework levels.
“Wearing masks indoors in public, such as in shops, will help protect yourself and others so the medical experts encourage their continued use when possible. However, making this mandatory through legislation is not proportionate at the moment given our current situation. I want to give my support to the recent changes in guidance on public transport and I thank the members of STAC for their updated guidance which remains under review.”
The public are encouraged to continue with good hand and respiratory hygiene which, together with physical distancing, are the most effective principles in maintaining low transmission rates. The current public health guidance remains for level 2 of the Safe Exit Framework.