17 November 2020

Deputy Jeremy Maçon has been elected by the States Assembly as Minister for Children and Housing. His appointment follows the resignation of the former Minister for Children and Housing, Senator Sam Mézec.
Deputy Maçon was previously Assistant Minister for Education, Social Security and Health. He has also chaired the Privileges and Procedures Committee and several scrutiny panels.
During his speech in the States Assembly, Deputy Maçon signalled his support for a proposed housing advisory service, and for the publication of a Homelessness Strategy, which has been delayed due to COVID-19.
He also committed to continuing to promote the principles and spirit of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), and to improve mental health support for children and young people.
Chief Minister, Senator John Le Fondré, said: “Deputy Maçon will be an asset to the Ministerial team. He brings with him a breadth of knowledge and recent experience in working with children and young people.”
Minister for Children and Housing, Deputy Jeremy Maçon, said: “I’d like to thank the Chief Minister for proposing me. I’d also like to thank members for their support and for their questions during today’s States Assembly sitting.
“This Ministerial role is challenging in its breadth, wide-ranging in its impact, and vital to the Island’s future. I look forward to meeting various stakeholders and officers in this area and discussing how we can continue to build on the successes of the previous post-holder, Senator Sam Mézec.”