27 August 2020

​More than 3,000 checks have been made on Islanders who are mandated to be self-isolating under Covid-19 restrictions, since the launch of an enhanced team at the beginning of August.
The Monitoring and Enforcement Team ensure that Islanders who have returned from jurisdictions, which have been designated under Jersey’s traffic light system as “amber” or “red”, are complying with self-isolation rules. The team also assist the Contact Tracing Team to ensure those that are direct contacts of a positive case, or have received a positive test result, are isolating.
Between Tuesday 4 August and Wednesday 25 August, the 11-strong team, has undertaken more than 3,100 checks. The team carry out checks by visiting people at the address they have listed on their arrivals form as well as through phone calls and emails.
The team also investigate reports received from members of the public, through the monitoringcovid@gov.je email address, who are concerned people who should be self-isolating are not.
The team logged more than 200 visits and made more than 1,200 random calls to check that people were in self-isolation during this three-week period. More than 750 reports emailed into the inbox were also investigated.
Officers have found that the vast majority of people are complying with the self-isolation rules. Active investigations are underway for the small number of individuals found to not be self-isolating. No further information can be released at this time as these cases are under active investigation.
Caroline Maffia, Strategic Lead for the Contact Tracing Monitoring and Enforcement Team, said: “It is brilliant that the vast majority of people are taking responsibility and self-isolating when required to do so - the border process, which clearly sets out what is expected of arriving passengers has helped to do that. If people do not follow the rules we will investigate and if appropriate pursue prosecutions.
“It is imperative that people arriving in the Island isolate when asked to do so, it is only by following these rules that we will ensure that we can keep cases low and stop the virus spreading throughout the community.”