05 February 2020

Cyclists can now park their bikes in undercover racks at Sand Street carpark.
The 20 newly-installed racks are covered by CCTV in an area of the carpark that protects bikes from the weather.
The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said: “The provision of more cycle racks is an important part of the Sustainable Transport Policy. These spaces are part of a developing infrastructure that will enable increasing numbers of commuters to feel that they can use their bikes instead of their cars.
“Cycling is good exercise, and the new racks offer a secure and sheltered parking which is also free. Islanders should expect more announcements on our initiatives and infrastructure as we encourage people to move to more sustainable forms of transport.”
Transport emissions account for 50% of Jersey’s greenhouse gas emissions and, as well as helping tackle climate change, the Sustainable Transport Policy aims to enable Islanders to become more active and healthy; improve local air quality; and to ease congestion on Jersey’s roads.