13 August 2020

The Health and Social Services Minister, Deputy Richard Renouf, has welcomed an agreement to extend the lease for the Nightingale Wing.
Health and Community Services requested an extension to the lease of the temporary facility to ensure it can remain in place until the spring, and an Order for the extension is currently being prepared by the Minister for the Environment. Deputy John Young has authorised an amendment to extend the General Development Order (made under the Planning and Building Law) until 31 March 2021, enabling the health facility to remain in place over the winter.
Medical experts have advised the Government to retain the Nightingale Wing until the end of March. This is part of the COVID-19 response strategy and will ensure that Jersey is prepared for a possible second wave of the pandemic.
The original lease ended on 31 July.
Deputy Richard Renouf said: “Medical experts acknowledge that there is still a risk of an increase of cases over the winter months, so it’s important the Government continues to listen and respond to that advice.
“The Nightingale Wing offers us security, and the knowledge that, if we are to face a second wave of COVID-19 in the Island, we have the infrastructure in place to look after our patients.
“The Nightingale Wing is Jersey’s insurance policy, and although this means an increase in cost, it is reassuring that we have a top-class facility if we need it.
“We have a much better understanding of how this virus works now, and our strategy is still to take medical advice. We will continue to implement all necessary measures to reduce the risk of spread to Islanders and protect the wellbeing of our community.”
Letters are being sent to almost 900 residents in the area notifying them of the extension.