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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Nightingale Hospital takes shape

17 April 2020



The shell of the field hospital at Millbrook Playing Fields is expected to be completed this weekend, and work is beginning on the building’s fit-out.

The Inner Road will be closed to through-traffic for much of next week (week commencing 20 April) so that the temporary building can be connected to Jersey’s main drainage and electrical structure.

Growth, Housing and Environment Director General Andy Scate said: “This is an exciting project and a full team effort from nursing to construction, and the way that the local community have responded so far has been fantastic. The team are getting gifts of cakes from schools and the church, and the parish are very supportive. 

“There are lots of offers from local contractors to get involved and a range of local companies, even the National Trust. This project has shown the community of Jersey in a very good light and at this challenging time it’s great to see everyone pulling together.”

A time-lapse video, showing the work to date, and highlighting the work planned for the coming week has been published on social media today. Videos showing the work it progresses will be published in coming weeks.

The first weekly online update will be issued on Monday, 20 April giving further information about what is planned. Anyone who would like to receive the online update should email putting NIGHTINGALE in the subject line

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