16 January 2020

The Chief Minister and Minister for Children and Housing have today welcomed the response from Islanders to support the pledge to Put Children First.
To date, 1,007 online pledges have been made by Government of Jersey colleagues, charities, members of the public and businesses to Put Children First since the campaign was launched on World Children’s Day, 20 November.
The Minister for Children and Housing, Senator Mézec, said: “I am delighted with the response to the Putting Children First campaign and would like to thank the 1,007 Islanders who have shown their support for the pledge so far. The campaign is about raising awareness of the need for everyone to take responsibility for putting children first, not just about securing supporters and advocates.
"The end goals of this campaign are that Islanders are more aware and better informed about children’s issues and rights, about what the Government is doing, and what Islanders are responsible for, so that the systemic child abuse and neglect that was exposed by the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry will never happen again.
“I encourage Islanders to visit the Putting Children First webpage for more information on the campaign. It is part of our commitment - in responding to the Independent Jersey Care Inquiry recommendations - to raise awareness of the need for everyone to take responsibility for putting children first and making Jersey the best place to grow up.”
In a speech to the Chamber of Commerce, Chief Minister Senator John Le Fondré announced the news that more than 1,000 Islanders had pledged their support to Put Children First and encouraged its members to show their support.
Senator Le Fondré said: “Under our aim of Putting Children First, we will see significant progress this year on delivering the Children’s Plan. We will be driving forward our operational improvement programme for Children’s Services, continuing to update the legislative framework for children and laying the foundations for long-term reforms to pre and post-16 education.
“More than a thousand Islanders have already committed to supporting the Children’s Pledge, and I would encourage you to do the same.”