13 May 2020

Islanders are reminded that the deadline for filing tax returns online is two months later than the deadline for paper filing. Paper forms need to be submitted, as usual, by the end of this month, but online forms do not need to be submitted until 31 July.
The benefits of the online form include guidance notes for each question and the ability to personalise the return.
The Minister for Treasury and Resources, Deputy Susie Pinel, said: “Filing online is quicker and easier than using the paper form. For example, when someone answers a question, subsequent sections of the form that do not apply to that individual will not be shown. This removes the need to work out which sections need completing.
“The online form can also be paused, saved and completed later. Once the form is submitted, taxpayers receive confirmation of receipt from the department. Feedback from Islanders who have used the online form is 82% positive.
“Online tax filing represents another step in the modernisation of Government services, and this is especially important at a time when islanders are limiting the amount of time they spend away from their homes. I would encourage all primary taxpayers with a smartphone and passport to make use of the online filing system.”
Online filing also means Revenue Jersey staff, many of whom are working from home during the COVID-19 crisis, can assess the tax returns without needing to be in the office to log returns and input data from the paper into the electronic system. This can help speed up the process of assessing Islanders’ tax returns.
To use the online system Islanders will need a onegov customer portal account and a YOTI digital ID. Dedicated phone support is available from Customer and Local Services and a phone number for help with the tax return form is on all screens of the tax form itself.
Deadlines for paper returns are the 31 May, help videos and guidance notes are available at
gov.je/mytaxreturn for those who wish to continue with paper.
Islanders can file online via
gov.je/mytaxreturn until the 31 July, offering two extra months. However, the sooner Islanders file, the sooner they will receive their assessment.
There is more information on how to file online on
gov.je or you can contact Revenue Jersey on 01534 440300.