26 February 2020

Islanders are being invited to make written submissions about any relevant information that they think should be considered by the Our Hospital Citizens’ Panel.
The panel, which is due to begin a series of meetings, will be asked to help form and review the criteria that will be used to assess each potential site for the new hospital. They will not, however, be deciding the site of the new hospital.
As part of that work, which will be looking at how things such as patient needs and environmental impact should be taken into account, members of the public are also being invited to have their say.
The written submissions, which should not be about a particular site, but should follow the approach outlined in the recently published
supplementary planning guidance for the Our Hospital project, will then be used to inform the panel, to ensure that its members are considering Islanders’ views in their deliberations.
The areas from which the panel will be drawing its criteria are:
- patient needs
- sustainable development needs
- design considerations
- other considerations (such as socio-economic impacts)
Assistant Minister for Health and Community Services, Deputy Hugh Raymond, said: “While we have selected a Citizens’ Panel to represent the public in this important project, we still want to hear from Islanders who feel that they have something valuable to contribute to the process used for site selection.
“This process will allow Islanders to have their say and play their part in delivering this much-needed new hospital for Jersey.”
Submissions to the panel should be no more than 2,000 words long and emailed to
ourhospital@gov.je no later than 23.59 on Thursday 5 March. As the panel is not selecting the site of the new hospital, any submission which specifically nominates sites will not be put forward.