Hospital workers, police officers, and volunteers are being given permits to enable them to park for free. 
The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, is issuing more than 650 parking permits so that staff at the Hospital, States of Jersey Police, and Salvation Army are able to park close to their work, and from Saturday, 28 March, parking will restricted for the public, particularly in Patriotic Street Car Park. 
The Minister has also relaxed parking restrictions for carers, by instructing Government parking officers to allow motorists with St Helier carers permits to park on the street, provided that they are not causing an obstruction.  
Deputy Lewis said: "Jersey’s frontline workers and volunteers are key to our management of Covid-19, and these parking permits will make it a little easier for them. We are also making a stressful situation a little easier for anyone who is delivering food or providing home care by recognising Parish of St Helier carers parking permits.  
"We are all grateful for the long shifts and challenging work that all these people undertake, and I think Islanders will welcome the provision this support." 
A total of 500 permits have been issued to all Hospital staff, including maintenance teams, so that they can access Patriotic Street carpark for free and, while the visitors’ parking and ground floor disabled parking will remain open for all users, from 8am on Saturday, 28 March, the rest of the Patriotic Street car park will be reserved solely for Hospital workers. 
Anyone who has a vehicle currently parked in Patriotic Street, which they cannot move because they are, for example, in isolation, is asked to contact Parking Control on 01534 448669 for special provision to be made. 
A further 150 permits for Green Street car park are being issued to police officers, who are required to take their personal protective equipment home daily in case they need to respond to a call from home. 
The Salvation Army, which has set up a food bank in Minden Place, has also received seven permits for its volunteers.