23 July 2020

The Council of Ministers has decided to remain in Level 2 of the Safe Exit Framework until early August.
The decision follows a recommendation by the Scientific and Technical Advisory Cell (STAC), which provides expert advice on Covid-19 to Government, to continue to monitor Covid-19 activity for a further two weeks following the significant easings of Level 2 introduced in early July.
STAC will meet on 3 August, when, assuming there are no significant changes in the low levels of Covid-19 in the Island, they will advise moving to Level 1. Ministers have instructed officers to use the next two weeks to plan for this.
The Minister of Health and Social Services Deputy Richard Renouf said: “Following the advice from STAC, Ministers have decided to pause in Level 2 of the Safe Exit Framework, while we undertake additional monitoring to ensure that when we begin to move into and through Level 1, we do so as safely as possible”.
“The shared aim is to begin to move into Level 1 from within the first week of August. Level 1 changes will be introduced in phases, so that as an Island we continue to progress safely through the Safe Exit Framework. For now, however, we remain in Level 2, and Islanders and businesses should continue to follow the current Level 2 guidelines until they receive further update.”