14 January 2020

Drivers hoping to pay for parking at Sand Street car park are being warned that debit and credit card payments are unavailable while officers deal with a technical error.
The issue does not affect drivers using UniTickets and ParkSmart cards. The issue only affects Sand Street – all other car parks are accepting payment as usual.
Drivers who want to pay for their parking using their debit or credit card can pay in person at the main Parking Control office at Sand Street. The opening hours of the office have been extended to 8.00am -5.30pm, Monday to Friday, to meet demand.
Drivers can also make payments over the phone by calling the Administration Office on 448660. If the line is busy, drivers can leave a message requesting a call back so that they can make their payment.
The issue has been caused by an error with the merchant provider which processes credit and debit card payments at Sand Street.
Paul Gibaut, Parking Control Manager said: “We apologise for the inconvenience this has caused for drivers. We are working closely with our merchant provider to restore the service; we hope to resolve the issue this week. In the meantime, we have doubled the number of staff working on-site at Sand Street, and have two staff taking payment via phone.
“While we understand that this may make it more time-consuming to make a payment, we urge drivers to work with our staff to make their payment in full. Drivers can also purchase 5 or 10 unit UniTickets with their shopping to make their payment more easily.”