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Philanthropic donations support Healthcare system

05 May 2020

Coronavirus: Philanthropic Donations

The Bailiff’s Covid-19 fund has already received £1.2 million since it was launched by the Bailiff, Mr Timothy Le Cocq, earlier this month.

The fund, which was set up as a result of members of the public asking how they could donate money to help in the efforts to deal with the Covid-19 pandemic,  will be used to support Health and Community Services by helping with the purchase of vital items, such as personal protective equipment, the purchase of on-island test kits and other equipment for front line services, GPs and care home.

In addition to the previously publicised donation by Mr Scott Thomas, the fund has attracted other substantial donations, including ÂŁ500,000 from Mr Mike Platt and Andrew Dodd of Bluecrest.

Commenting on the fund, Mr Platt said: “It’s incredibly important that Islanders come together and help at this time of need and I’m proud to be able do so. I know that donations will help support our critical workers and the Government to ensure they have the equipment needed to continue work, not only on the front line but within homes and other places of care.

“I urge anyone who is able to donate or help, to please consider it and support the lifesaving work during this pandemic.”

The Bailiff said: “Many Islanders are giving their time and expertise to this crisis and we have seen a huge amount of community support being offered. This fund allows those wanting to donate money to do so in a way that ensures that their money will be appropriately and most efficiently used. Although there have been some substantial donations the fund can be used to receive any donation, no matter how much it is. I would like to thank everyone who has donated for their generosity.”

The fund will channel donations appropriately to ensure monies are directed to the areas in most need of extra support.

More information about how to donate can be found on the Bailiff's Chambers website.

Further information:

Details of how to donate: Bank: HSBC Bank Sort Code: 40-25-34 Account Number: 91663933 IBAN: GB80MIDL40253491663933 Account Name: States of Jersey T/A Jersey Disaster Appeal Reference: Bailiff’s Covid-19 Appeal

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