12 February 2020

The Environment Minister has issued draft supplementary planning guidance to inform any future planning application for a new hospital.
The guidance, which has been published for public consultation, has been issued by Deputy John Young, following a request from the Chair of the Our Hospital Political Oversight Group, Senator Lyndon Farnham.
The document provides guidance on the planning and design of a new hospital, and on the issues that will need to be considered when determining the hospital’s location and future development. It highlights the complex issues raised by a very large development, costing a significant amount of public money, which needs to serve the Island for decades to come.
Deputy Young has made it clear in his guidance that Islanders and health specialists should be involved throughout the process of developing a proposal for a new hospital, as this will lead to a better-informed and higher-quality outcome.
Once this guidance has been reviewed, amended if necessary, and adopted, it will help decision-makers to determine any planning application.
The Minister has also said that as the development of a new hospital will have a significant effect on the interests of much of the community, he will, as planning law requires, convene a public inquiry before deciding on a planning application.
Anyone who wants to comment on the Supplementary Planning Guidance can find out more on the
Government of Jersey website. The deadline for comments is Monday, 23 March 2020.