17 June 2020

The States Assembly has approved a proposition to ban single-use plastic bags in order to reduce Jersey’s waste. The proposition, which was lodged by Deputy Inna Gardiner, was unanimously passed.
Under the ban, which will come into force in 2021, retailers will no longer be able to sell or give away single-use plastic bags. They will still be able to sell reusable bags, known as ‘bags for life.’
The use of single use paper bags (excluding thin ‘counter bags’ used for baked goods and medicines for example) will also be included in the ban due to their short life span and the environmental impact of their production.
Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis said: “We encourage ‘Reduce, Reuse, Recycle’ behaviours in that order. The ban on single-use plastic bags will reduce Jersey’s waste and our use of single-use plastic. It also supports Jersey on the journey to be a more sustainable place to live and work.”
Deputy John Young, Minister for the Environment: “As an Island community we have a collective responsibility to reduce our unnecessary and indiscriminate use of plastic bags, many of which end up polluting our environment and seas, and damaging our ecosystems.”
Retailers will be consulted ahead of the ban coming into force into 2021.