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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Updated population estimate 2019

18 June 2020

ā€‹Statistics Jersey have issued their latest estimate of the Jersey resident population.

The resident population of Jersey at year-end 2019 was estimated as 107,800

The latest report shows that during 2019:

  • the resident population increased by around 1,100 persons
    • net inward migration accounted for 1,000 of the annual increase
    • natural growth (births minus deaths) accounted for 90 of the annual increase
  • natural growth in 2019 was the lowest since 2002

Total net inward migration in 2019 comprised of approximately:

  • 500 net inward 'licensed' employees and their dependents
  • 500 net inward 'registered' employees and their dependents

During the last 10 years:

  • the resident population has increased by 11,700
  • net inward migration has accounted for four-fifths (80%) of the increase in the resident population

The estimate comes from a baseline count of the resident population taken in the 2011 Census. The change in the resident population in each subsequent year is estimated using data on numbers of births and deaths in Jersey, information on school and pre-school populations, and employment information.

Click here for the full report

2019 Population estimate

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