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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Primary School admissions deadline nears

09 November 2020

ā€‹Parents who are registered for a Government school place for September 2021 have until 30 November to return their form to their catchment school. Application forms have been sent to all parents who have registered for a place for next autumn term, and are also available online.

Parents can find out their catchment school by:

  • Checking the map online
  • Contacting their local primary school
  • Contacting the Department for Children, Young People, Education and Skills on (01534) 445504
  • Sending an email to

Parents can request up to three schools in order of choice. If a school is oversubscribed, priority will be given to children following the order below:
  • Children who have a Special Educational Need and must access a specific school, or are a Looked After Child
  • Children who have brothers and sisters in the school (reception to Year 5)
  • Children who live in the primary school catchment area
  • Children who live in the secondary school catchment area
  • Have siblings in the school (Year 6)
  • Children who have other requests for attending a non-catchment school and this is supported by a good educational reason

Primary schools will write to all parents at the end of January 2021 to offer places. Parents are asked to inform the school if they no longer need the place they have been offered.

Parents will not be offered a place in a Government primary school if they have registered for a place in a fee-paying school. This is so that parents who need a Government school place have the best chance of getting a place at their chosen school.
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