22 March 2020

Ministers have announced that all bars and nightclubs should close from 8pm this evening to further help stop the spread of coronavirus.
This measure is based on advice from the Medical Officer of Health. Dr Ivan Muscat said: “While there has been an overall drop in activity it has not been enough, and we now need all nightclubs and bars to close, as well as any bar facilities in restaurants and pubs.”
Pubs that serve food, and restaurants, can continue to serve alcohol to tables as part of their restaurant service but should close their open bars. Food and alcohol may only be served to customers seated at tables. Any restaurant or pub that serves food must enforce social distancing for staff and customers in both the kitchen and the restaurant.
In summary:
Nightclubs will have to close
Bars that do not serve food will have to close
Restaurants, and pubs that serve food, can serve meals and alcohol to customers who are seated at tables
Further detailed guidelines on social distancing will be issued over the next few days to support restaurants.
Ministers would like to thank the owners and managers of the nightclubs and bars that have already closed.
Ministers understand this is a particularly challenging time for those in the hospitality industry. The Government will work with bar and nightclub owners to support them and their employees, in line with the package of measures announced by the Minister for Economic Development earlier this week.