26 May 2020

The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, has signed a Ministerial Decision which will permanently close Rue de Maupertuis to through traffic, except for access to premises. The decision has made been following a one-year trial closure, which ran from 3 April 2019.
The road’s closure to through traffic is part of the Safer Routes to School Programme, which aims to create safer ways for pedestrians and cyclists to travel to and from school.
The trial closure led to a 10% increase in the number school pupils walking or cycling along Rue de Maupertuis during the morning peak hour, and an overall reduction in traffic at the junction of Rue du Maupertuis, Rue de Samarès, and Rue de la Croix. In addition, more than three quarters (77%) of 250 Le Rocquier students who were surveyed said they felt safer when the road was closed to through traffic.
Plans to keep the road closed, has the support of Connétable of St Clément, Len Norman, and the Parish Roads Committee.
Constable Len Norman said: “We are happy to support this initiative to provide safer routes to school for students and increase the use of more active travelling modes on quiet parish roads. It had been my intention to call a Parish Assembly last month to endorse the decision, but because of the current restrictions this was sadly not possible.”
The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, said: “This closure is an excellent example of how a simple road closure can have a positive effect on residents, cyclists and pedestrians. The closure of Rue de Maupertuis will allow more students to stay active by walking and cycling to school and – most importantly – do so in safety.”