10 December 2020

​The Department for Children Young People, Education and Skills has been advised of the following Covid-19 cases in schools and colleges from 9 – 10 December 2020
Hautlieu School
Eight students, in two year groups, at Hautlieu School have tested positive for Covid-19 on 9 and 10 December 2020 and are currently isolating at home, along with the rest of their household following the public health guidance.
Parents of students in the year groups were contacted and asked to remain at home isolating following public health advice.
Victoria College Jersey
A student at Victoria College has tested positive for Covid-19 on 9 December 2020 on 9 December 2020 and is currently isolating at home, along with the rest of their household following the public health guidance.
Parents of students in the year group were contacted and asked to remain at home isolating following public health advice.
Les Quennevais School
A student at Les Quennevais School has tested positive for Covid-19 on 10 December 2020.
Parents of students in the year groups were contacted and asked to collect their child from school and to remain at home isolating following public health advice.
Plat Douet School
There will be a temporary closure of three classes in Plat Douet School due to staff shortages.
Parents have been informed and online learning has been arranged for those students on Friday 11 December and Monday 14 December.
St Martin School
An adult linked to St Martin’s School breakfast club has tested positive for Covid-19 on 10 December 2020.
This person is currently isolating at home, along with the rest of their household following the public health guidance.
Parents of students who attend the Breakfast Club bubble have been contacted.
In all cases, the schools have contacted parents and the class bubbles have been asked to isolate at home, as a precautionary measure, to allow the track and trace process to be completed.
The schools and colleges will remain open following advice from Environmental and Public Health.
We are committed to supporting our students who have been impacted by the pandemic. Students who have to be at home due to Public Health guidelines will continue to receive school work online so that they can continue with their education.
To protect the identity and privacy of the students we will not be commenting further.