08 September 2020

The Strategic Lead for the Contact Tracing Monitoring and Enforcement Team is reminding Islanders of the rules for self-isolating, after two passengers were fined for breaching self-isolation rules. The couple appeared in the Magistrate's Court yesterday and were fined Ā£800 each after going out shopping when they should have been self-isolating.
Caroline Maffia said: "While the vast majority of people are sticking to the rules and self-isolating when they are required to, it is disappointing to see that there are some who have ignored the rules.
"The Court has made it clear that by going shopping when you should be self-isolating is putting other people at risk, and it will not be tolerated. It is important to know that when you decide to travel, there may be changes in classifications while you are away and you may have to self-isolate when you return home. It is only by following these rules that we will keep infection rates low and stop the virus spreading throughout the community."
More than 3,000 checks have been made on Islanders who should be self-isolating under Covid-19 restrictions, since the launch of an enhanced Monitoring and Enforcement Team at the beginning of August.
The Team's role is to ensure that Islanders who have returned from places designated under Jersey's traffic light system as "amber" or "red", are complying with self-isolation rules. The team also help the Contact Tracing Team to ensure that direct contacts of a positive case are isolating.
Self-isolation requirements
While isolating you must not leave your home or accommodation. This means you:
- must not leave the property except in an emergency or to receive essential medical care
- must not visit any public areas ā€“this includes beaches, parks, pubs and restaurants
- must not leave your accommodation to buy food or other essentials
- must not use public transport or taxis
- must not go to work or school
- must not go outside to exercise (unless you can do this whilst still on your property, away from other household members, and it is not in a communal area)
It also means you must not let any other person into your accommodation, unless the person:
- lives with you
- is providing essential care or medical help to someone in the household
- is entering the property in the case of an emergency (this may include emergency repairs, plumbing etc.)
You should tell anyone entering your property that you are isolating. Maintain physical distancing and hygiene measures, where possible.
You should also continue to follow the latest guidance on how to protect yourself and others whilst you are isolating.
Isolation if you have recently travelled to Jersey