24 June 2020

Environmental Health is advising Islanders to stay off the beach and out of the water of St Aubin’s bay after a significant slurry spill in Fern Valley flowed into the bay.
Environmental Protection are investigating the spillage as a potential breach of the Water Pollution (Jersey) Law 2000. The investigation was triggered by a call to the Pollution Hotline by Jersey Water.
Islanders should avoid the whole bay while the issue is being investigated and dealt with. This is due to the risk of the spillage being carried across the bay by the incoming tide. Staff from Environmental Health will continue to monitor the water quality in the affected area and the beach will re-open once there is no risk to the public.
Caroline Maffia, Assistant Director of Environmental Health: "Officers from Environmental Health are working with colleagues to investigate this spillage, which we believe originated in the Fern Valley area, and flowed into the sea at First Tower.
"While I understand the advice to not use the beach may be disappointing for many - especially given the hot weather forecast over the next few days – I’d ask Islanders to be patient while the tide dilutes and removes the slurry over the next few days."