09 September 2020

As part of the £150m Fiscal Stimulus Package developed to support Islanders after the outbreak of COVID-19, 105,000 Spend Local cards are being distributed to Islanders over the next three days (Wednesday 9, Thursday 10 and Friday 11 September).
Ian Burns, Director General of Customer and Local Services, said: “I am pleased that we have been able make it as easy as possible for Islanders by posting the cards to them directly and avoiding a need for an application process. We have used data from across Government to improve our address quality, however, given the number of people who move address every year, we know that there will still be some cards that may go to old addresses.”
“We are asking Islanders to give Jersey Post a chance to deliver all the cards and wait until at least the 16 September before getting in touch. Anyone who hasn’t received their card by that date can contact Customer and Local Services on (01534) 444444 or
tell us online and we will check their details and reissue a card. They will still have time to use their card until the end of October.”
“I also want to reassure Islanders not to worry if their name or address looks a bit different on the card – it will still be ok to use. As with most bank cards, we had to shorten some names and addresses to fit – please accept our apologies in advance if it’s not quite right. Your details with government are still correct.”
“To activate the card and retrieve your PIN number, follow the instructions that come with the card. Activation is done by calling freephone 0800 735 0044, or via the
Government of Jersey website.
“Relatives and neighbours are able to support with this, but Customer and Local Services are also here to help on (01534) 444444 - you can make an appointment for face-to-face activation help. Help is also available through the Parishes and the voluntary sector, for example EYECAN can help islanders with a visual impairment activate cards.”