22 July 2020

Resurfacing and drainage repair works on La Grande Route de la Côte (the St Clement’s Coast Road) between School Road and Rue de Maupertuis will begin on Monday 27 July. The work is scheduled to last five weeks, depending on the weather.
A damaged drainage manhole, just east of Clos Fondain, will be repaired between Monday 27 July and Friday 31 July. The resurfacing work, between School Rd and Rue de Samares will take place from Monday 3 August to Friday 28 August.
Rob Cabot, Highway Maintenance Manager, said: “I’d like to apologise in advance for any disruption these works will cause to residents and road users. While they have been scheduled for the summer holidays to try and ease disruption, we know road users will still be affected.”
“I’d also like to thank residents in advance for their understanding. We have written to residents to give them advance notice of the work and will continue to update them as the works progress.”
To minimise disruption, the work will take place in stages. A full list of the stages will be available
Diversions will be in place throughout the duration of the work and drivers are asked to follow the signposted diversion routes to ease congestion on surrounding roads.
Drivers heading east should travel via Grande Route de St Clement (St Clement’s Inner Road), then use Rue de Pontlietaut to rejoin Route de la Côte. Drivers heading west should use Rue de Samarès to join Grande Route de St Clement, then use Plat Douet Road to rejoin Route de la Côte.
All works will take place between 7.30am to 6pm, Monday to Friday.
Throughout the work, vehicle access to businesses and homes will be maintained wherever possible. Where people cannot access their homes, alternative parking will be arranged. Pedestrians and cyclists will be able to access the affected areas throughout the works.
The works will also cause minor disruption to LibertyBus services in the area. More information is available on
the LibertyBus website, or by calling (01534) 828555.