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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Statement from the Minister for External Relations

28 February 2020

ā€‹The Minister for External Relations, Senator Ian Gorst said: 

We welcome the release of the negotiating mandates from both the UK and the EU, which provide greater clarity on the direction of negotiations on the future relationship.

The Government of Jerseyā€™s External Relations Team has been working closely with UK officials to prepare for the negotiations and to ensure our interests are represented in any agreements.  

I am pleased that the UK has referenced a commitment to the Channel Islands within its mandate, which recognises Jerseyā€™s interests alongside those of other Crown Dependencies and Overseas Territories.  

The customs union between the UK and the Crown Dependencies will protect trade flows between Jersey and the UK regardless of any trade agreement that is reached between the UK and the European Union. The UK/Jersey Customs Arrangement that underpins the customs union with the UK will come into effect on 1, January 2021, which is a reassurance for businesses and traders in the Island.  

We look forward to continuing our work with partners and colleagues across the UK and European Union as the negotiations about the future relationship continue. 

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