18 December 2020

​Following the formal registration of further deaths linked to COVID-19, the Minister for Health and Social Services, Deputy Richard Renouf has released the following statement:
“I would like to extend my sincere condolences to the families, friends and carers of the deceased at this sad time.
“It is terrible losing someone at any time, but under these circumstances and at this time of year, it’s truly devastating and on behalf of all health staff, I extend my thoughts and sympathy to the families affected.”
The Government will continue to report deaths, where COVID-19 is recorded on the death certificate, following a process of formal registration by the Superintendent Registrar.
If an inquest is required to establish the cause of death, there may, in some instances, be a time delay before a cause of death is established and registered. Therefore, these deaths do not reflect a particular period of time but that they have now been formally registered.
To respect the privacy of the patients and their families there will be no further details released to protect confidentiality.