22 May 2020

Information about the support available to university students during the Covid-19 pandemic has been published on the Government’s website.
The outbreak has led to concern among university students who study away from the Island, about issues like the repatriation of possessions in student accommodation and the payment of maintenance grants.
The Children,
Young People, Education and Skills Department has now compiled a series of questions and answers to help students and their families as well as to signpost them to the support available at this time.
Plans for student finance during the 2020-2021 academic year remain unchanged and the current scheme will continue until further notice. Review of the Student Finance Order will continue and will take into account the impact of Covid-19. Information about any changes will be articulated in due course.
The Assistant Minister for Education, Deputy Jeremy Maçon, said: "We are aware of several issues faced by either our entire student population or, in particular, by those students receiving grant funding. We have been working to identify common scenarios and to develop responses that support these students whilst staying aligned with support offered across the Government of Jersey.
"These scenarios, which include travel permissions to bring home belongings, the treatment of excess grant funding and additional funding for students whose final year has been extended, are addressed in a series of FAQs published on the Government's website
"We are living through unprecedented times, and I hope these measures go some way to providing comfort to students and their families. I’d like to thank all of those who have contacted the various Government departments to help us better understand their situations and while we hope the FAQs will address many of the concerns raised we welcome continued feedback."