10 March 2020

Following the advice of Jersey’s Deputy Medical Officer of Health, the Lions Club of Jersey has taken the decision to cancel the Swimarathon. The annual event - which was due to start tomorrow - will not now run.
Dr Ivan Muscat, Jersey’s Deputy Medical Officer of Health, said: “We have given this advice on consideration of the changing picture as the virus spreads in Europe and the UK, and following the recent confirmation of one case in the Island.
“We are not currently calling for the cancellation of all large public events or calling for Islanders to avoid swimming pools altogether. However, given the large attendance, and spectators we are taking this precaution to limit the spread of the virus.”
The decision to cancel the Swimarathon is not directly related to the coronavirus case which was confirmed earlier today, nor is it related to the self-isolation of a group of students who recently returned from Italy.
Les Quennevais Sports Centre, including the swimming pool, will remain open as usual.
Dr Ivan Muscat added: “The advice remains the same: the best thing people can do to limit the spread of the disease is to focus on good hand, surface and respiratory hygiene. Wash your hands frequently. Use tissues to cough or sneeze into and throw them away as soon as you have used them. Keep the surfaces you work on and touch as clean as you can. These messages will not change.”
Islanders are reminded that if they have any queries or concerns about Coronavirus, or are concerned they may have symptoms, they should call the helpline on 01534 445566.
If you have been to an affected area and think you have symptoms, please do not go to the Emergency Department or your GP unannounced.
Anyone who has arrived from the most affected countries (mainland China, Iran, South Korea and Italy) are asked to self-isolate for 14 days even if they do not have symptoms.