23 July 2020

​Temporary bicycle parking is being installed in St Helier this week which, if popular, will be replaced by permanent cycle racks.
The Minister for Infrastructure, Deputy Kevin Lewis, has agreed to an additional 13 cycle racks, ten of which are at new locations, and Islanders are being encouraged to provide feedback.
The temporary racks will be installed over time, with up to six trial sites at any one time, and they will only be replaced with permanent stands once they are felt to have been positively received and are being well used.
Temporary racks have been installed in Halkett Place, Burrard Street, Beresford Street and Don Street. Bicycle racks in 9 other locations will be installed over the coming weeks.
Deputy Lewis, said: “I am delighted to see that cycling has grown in popularity in recent months and I would like to thank the hard work done by my department to support this growth in cycling levels on the Island. We hope that by installing more bicycle racks in key locations, Islanders will give more consideration to cycling as a regular means of transport.
“I would encourage Islanders to give their views on the temporary racks, because those comments will form part of the decision-making process”
Comments can be made by emailing dfi@gov.je.
The new locations are: West Park, The Parade, Gloucester Street, Esplanade, Broad Street, Don Street, Halkett Place, Beresford Street, Burrard Street and Union Street.