24 March 2020

The Minister for Housing, Senator Sam Mezec, has welcomed developments which will give tenants protection from eviction during the Covid-19 pandemic, but has undertaken to do more.
Jerseyā€™s Magistrateā€™s Court has announced the adjournment of all eviction cases before the Petty Debts Court as part of a package of measures in response to the pandemic.怀
The Minister also wrote to leading housing providers, and has received confirmation from Jersey Landlords Association, and several social housing providers and letting and management agencies, that evictions will not be pursued during the outbreak. 怀
Senator Mezec said: "There is still more to do to give tenants protection in legislation, which I soon hope to be in a position to say more about, and we are working hard to house those vulnerable islanders who need urgent accommodation. In the meantime, however, I hope these commitments will provide tenants with peace of mind that they are not at immediate risk of losing their homes because of the pandemic.怀
"I welcome the commitment provided to me by many of our housing providers that they will take a pragmatic and compassionate approach to dealing with their tenants, many of whom may see their incomes reduce because of coronavirus. Most have confirmed that they are already putting procedures in place to manage rent collection and late payment during this difficult time."