10 July 2020

The Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) at Jersey's General Hospital is to close due to low rates of COVID-19 infection and easing of lockdown measures.
From Monday 13 July:
- Islanders in need of emergency treatment are advised to go to the Emergency Department (also known as A&E or casualty), which deals with life-threatening emergencies, minor injuries and serious illness
- Patients seeking to access GP care should not attend the Emergency Department but should contact their GP
- Islanders who are attending Hospital appointments or visiting patients, are requested to use the Gwyneth Huelin entrance as The Parade entrance remains closed
- Islanders seeking GP treatment for chronic or longstanding illness or minor illness should contact their regular doctor
Patrick Armstrong, Medical Director for Health and Community Services (HCS), said: "With COVID-19 measures easing, and GPs returning to their practices, the UTC is being stood down. Our thanks and gratitude go to the GPs and Hospital staff who managed the UTC over this challenging period. We hope that Islanders find this as another positive sign that our hospital services are returning to some level of normality.
"Should COVID-19 cases rise, and the Government advises us of changes to the lockdown measures, it will be absolutely vital that our emergency assessment capacity is enhanced once more. We have learned a lot of very important lessons over the past few months to enable us to quickly support COVID-19 activity."
For protection against the spread of COVID-19, the Emergency Department will only allow the patient and any necessary carers entry, with protective masks provided and physical distancing to be observed.
Islanders are advised that the Emergency Department should not be used as an alternative to their GP. If a patient is assessed as having a non-urgent issue, they will be redirected to the most appropriate primary care provider for their problem.
Islanders are further advised that busy times in the Emergency Department include after 5pm and weekends and that those with emergency problems should seek care as soon as possible. In severe emergencies 999 should be called.
There is also an Out of Hours GP service (01534 445445) which provides telephone advice from 6pm each weekday and at weekends. This may include asking patients to see a GP at the hospital or to arrange a home visit.
Pharmacies are also available to give advice and treatment for minor illness. For dental issues, Islanders are asked to contact their regular dentist surgery in the first instance.