29 May 2020

The Urgent Treatment Centre (UTC) at Jersey General Hospital has confirmed the GP charges for services which are not COVID-19 related and which would normally have been managed by Islanders’ General Practitioners.
The majority of treatment at the UTC is offered at no charge to patients. However, a GP fee will be applicable if patients arrive for treatment that could ordinarily have been managed by a GP in the community.
For those Islanders registered with a GP Practice, the following charges will now be made for telephone or face-to-face appointments at the UTC:
Children 4 years and under: Free of charge
Children 5 - 17 years old: £10
Adults 18 years and over: £20
A home visit by the Urgent Treatment Centre GP: £40
For the limited number of Islanders not currently registered with a GP, the Government will temporarily assign them the GP that sees them at the UTC.
The following charges will be applied if a patient is temporarily registered with a GP at the UTC for a telephone or face-to-face appointment:
Children 4 years and under: £20
Children 5 - 17 years old: £30
Adults 18 years and over: £40
A home visit by the Urgent Treatment Centre GP: £60
Islanders will be contacted by their GP Practice or temporary GP Practice regarding the payment of the charges. Islanders not registered with a local GP are encouraged to register to save the additional charge for possible services.
The UTC is open from 8am to 10pm, seven days a week. Outside of the UTC’s operational hours, the GP out-of-hours service will continue as normal, while the Emergency Department continues to see emergencies as usual. The GP out-of-hours service is contactable on 445445.