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Government of

Information and public services for the Island of Jersey

L'înformâtion et les sèrvices publyis pouor I'Île dé Jèrri

Victoria Road resurfacing

06 March 2020


Ongoing resurfacing works in the Georgetown area will move onto Victoria Road from Tuesday 10 March, until Tuesday 31 March in phased sections.

The resurfacing project continues at the corner of Plat Douet Road near the La Blinerie junction Tuesday 10 and Wednesday 11 March, with works heading towards the Tivoli Tavern. There will be no access through the area between 09.00am Tuesday and 6pm Wednesday. The New Era group of shops and businesses can be accessed from Georgetown.

Diversions will be in place east and west bound via Bagot road and La Grande Route de St Clement. Road users are advised to follow the signed diversion routes.

Highway Maintenance manager, Rob Cabot said: β€œThe project so far has run successfully considering the bad weather we have experienced. We are regularly liaising with residents and businesses about any potential impacts on access. We thank the public for their patience whilst this essential work is carried out.”

The section of road outside the New Era group of shops will be closed over the weekend of the 14 and 15 March from 1pm Saturday through to 9pm Sunday.

From Monday 16 March resurfacing works continue to move along Victoria Road to the west of New Era. Access to the New Era businesses will then be from the Plat Douet Road side.

All works on this project are now scheduled to be completed by Tuesday 31 March.

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