30 March 2020

From today, (Monday, 30 March) Islanders should stay at home to help tackle the spread of Coronavirus in Jersey. Advice has been issued by Growth, Housing and Environment to help all Islanders manage their waste and recycling during this period.
Parish household waste and recycling:
- Collections will continue as normal
- Recycling collections will continue as normal, apart from St Helier and St Saviour
- Glass collections will continue as normal except for St Helier which will continue to empty glass banks.
La Collette will be closed to the public including:
- The Household Reuse and Recycling Centre, with no public access to the Energy Recovery Facility
- The Household Green Waste Reception, with no public access to the Commercial Green Waste Facility.
- The Recycling Bring Banks
- The asbestos reception.
Information for commercial waste and recycling at La Collette:
- The Energy Recovery Facility including Bulky Waste reception will continue to operate
- The Commercial Green Waste Facility will continue to receive green waste and plasterboard
- The Inert disposal site will continue to operate
- The abattoir will operate a reduced service. Bookings made for Tuesday, 31 March will be processed as usual unless customers are contacted directly with any changes.
- EMR Metals recycling will operate a reduced service for some commercial customers and no deliveries are accepted without prior agreement. Customers should contact EMR directly with any queries.
- Aggregates Recycling Facility provided by AAL Recycling are open to commercial customers, but a restricted service may operate. Contact AAL directly with any queries.
- The asbestos reception is next due to open on Wednesday, 1 April but only pre-arranged commercial deliveries will be accepted.
Commercial customers should expect delays due to the operational procedures required to ensure social distancing and the safety of staff and customers.
Islanders are being reminded that if they have any queries about household rubbish collection they should contact their Parish Hall.
Also, Islanders are being asked to wash their hands before and after handling rubbish. For those who are self isolating or have tested positive for the Coronavirus should dispose of tissues and cloths in a secured rubbish bag which should be kept separate from other rubbish for 72 hours before putting it in the usual bin.
More information can be found on