23 March 2020

The Government of Jersey has issued advice on restricting events and gatherings to help contain the spread of COVID-19.
The social distancing restrictions introduced on 20 March include limiting all unnecessary contact with people outside your household and staying at home wherever possible. These restrictions have significant implications for anyone intending to get married before the end of June 2020. Couples will need to ensure they can keep themselves and their guests safe.
Key considerations will include:
- guests at higher risk because they are older or have underlying health conditions
- guests who have travelled from elsewhere
- children, who are more likely to spread disease.
The Superintendent Registrar will continue to conduct marriages over the coming weeks but will need to do so in strict accordance with the Government’s social distancing advice. This may mean that the ceremony (as distinct from any wedding reception or party which takes place after the official ceremony):
- may need to be restricted to the couple, the wedding celebrant and the two witnesses, or
- it may need to be held at a different location
The Superintendent Registrar will also need to consider the wellbeing of her staff who, in addition to conducting marriages, play an essential role in registering births and deaths in the Island.
It is therefore recommended that, if you are planning on getting married before the end of June, you contact the Superintendent Registrar to discuss how best to proceed. You can contact the Office of the Superintendent Registrar on weddings@gov.je .
The States Assembly will consider this week whether to introduce new legal powers to close any event, regardless of the number of guests or the location, if it is believed that there may be a risk to public health.
Advice on social distancing