23 March 2020

All of us have white goods in our home, from fridges and freezers to washing machines and tumble dryers. The Jersey Fire and Rescue Service (JFRS) is reminding Islanders about the dangers that these appliances can pose to the home and how people can protect themselves and their families.
Misuse of white goods could cause a fire in your home. Therefore the JFRS wants to ensure that individuals follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the correct use of their appliances. As over the last five years in Jersey, there have been approximately 43 fires attributed to faults in white goods in the home.
Crew Commander Jason Betts commented:
“We would recommend Islanders registering their appliances at the Register My Appliance website on
www.registermyappliance.org.uk. Goods which are several years old can be registered on the site, and registering them will ensure you’re notified if they are recalled or require a repair.
“We also want to warn the public about counterfeit goods, as it is very easy to be taken in by cheap prices especially on online auction sites, but fake goods may contain faulty or poor quality parts which could pose a risk of fire or electrocution. People should look out for spelling mistakes on the packing or instructions, no kitemark or an imitation one and packaging that looks like it may have been tampered with.”
It’s important to make sure that white goods are regularly cleaned and maintained. This includes:
- Clean ovens so there isn’t a build-up of fat
- Clear out the fluff/lint tray on your tumble dryer after every use
- Check and clean filters on washing machines
- Clean the rear of fridges and freezers and ensure the drainage hole is clear
- Install fridges, freezers, washing machines and tumble dryers in a dry, well ventilated room
- Keep vents on a standalone microwave clear and don’t put metal dishes directly onto the turntable
- Have your wiring installation checked at least once every five years by an approved contractor, or straightaway if you are buying an older property
- Do not use appliances with worn or damaged flexes. Don't wire flexes together
- Never overload an electric sockets
- Ensure that you have working smoke alarms.
Crew Commander Betts added: “People should also think about their bedtime routine, by turning off or unplugging appliances that don’t need to be left on overnight. Also ensuring doors are shut, as this can stop fire from spreading and keep keys for doors and windows in an easily accessible place. We would also recommend ensuring you have an escape route planned in case a fire does break out in your home.”